Spot Light On introduces you to a group of fly boys who soar to great hights on their day jobs but are still trying to earn their wings on the ice. One of NYTEX's new comers,welcome if you will,the Puddle Jumpers.
Team History?Puddle Jumpers Hockey Club was founded in January 2010. Fresh off my recent banishment to the ROCK (San Juan, Puerto Rico), where there's not a sheet of ice within 1500 miles, I joined the Bandits as a substitute player. I would play late on Saturday or Thursday nights and go to work the next day talking about the fun and camradere I had playing hockey. Usually the first words out of a First Officer's mouth is "ICE HOCKEY?" As this same phenomena would occur week in and week out, I discovered there was more than enough interest to start a hockey team, comprised mostly of American Eagle pilots, or what people refer to as PUDDLE JUMPER pilots. So, with a little bit of encouragement from F. O. Sean O'Rourke and F. O. Brad Locey, I posted sign up sheets around the crew lounges at DFW. As those sign up sheets were filling up, we started gathering information on leagues, fees, uniforms, etc. We even negotiated a gear start up package for guys who have never been on the ice before. We kicked around a few possible names, but when I found that Duck logo the name debate was over. The PUDDLE JUMPERS HOCKEY CLUB was born. We probably have the largest roster in the league. That's because of our crazy schedules. Our team is made up of airline pilots, a few airline ground crew personnel, 1 fire fighter, a police officer, a home builder, and a few corporate employees. It's a great group of guys that have common goals; to learn the game of hockey, continue to improve, and have fun!
Team Philosophy?We have a broad range of talent on this team. There are players on this team that have played in other ice hockey leagues at some point in their lives. Most of those guys haven't been on skates in many years. Some played on ponds only. Other guys had extensive time playing in-line hockey. A few players on the team have never even owned a pair of hockey skates, including our goalie, Stuart. On March 03, 2010 almost half of that night's line up had never jumped over the wall and onto the ice, EVER! While it's easy to understand with multiple backgrounds comes multiple philosophies and ideas, I will tell you, every player on the Puddle Jumpers buys into our team's philosophy. This philosophy can't be defined by one idea or principle. We have a 4-part philosophy on this team. 1. Increase our knowledge of the game. 2. Increase our fitness/physical level. 3. Always improve. 4. Have each other's back. It's a team philosophy that builds a cohesiveness with our team and our coach. It is also motivating everyone to improve their individual game as well. It's awesome to see everyone in the lockeroom, as the Zam is finishing up, listening to Coach Steve deliver our game plan. It's total focus and intensity at that moment. We couldn't have found a better fit for this team than Coach Steve Hall.
Dud to Stud award?We have a lot of people improving and each one of these guys makes an impact every game. However, the one person who makes the biggest impact every game has got to be our goalie Stuart Egerton. Here is a guy that I took to Peranis to buy his first pair of skates. That was in February! He has put in the effort and really improved. He works exclusively with Bill Ivey a few times each month. It sure has paid off! Thanks Bill!!!! I have to mention our runner up for this category is non-other than Nathan Horvath, who has definitely tested the durability of the back end protection on his hockey pants. However, nobody's buying into the story that this kid from Buffalo, NY has never been on the ice before. This guy has come a long way since his first skate in February. He always seems to be in the right place at the right time. He has really put fourth the effort to improve and I can't wait to see how good this kid will be by season's end!
You've got one bottle of frabreeze to hand out, who earns it? The Fa breeze bottle probably goes to Jason Joy or Dan Hankins. Everybody else has brand new gear, so the FUNK hasn't set in!!!! Although, I might mention Stuart Egerton has been seen spraying down his goalie gear with a 24 hour deoderant.
Most vocal on the bench? Most vocal on the bench is Coach Steve Hall, hands down. You can always tell if our fans have been to a game before, because they will sit on the other side of the ice!!! Disclaimer: if you have kids and you sit behind our bench, bring ear plugs for your kids!!!!
Team high point?The win over the Jets was definitely this teams high point. Our first win in franchise history. We finally clicked this week with the defense not allowing anyone to harass our goalie. Stuart had a great game. The offense was back checking and moving the puck deep into the offensive zone. It was a good, hard fought battle by both teams.
Team low point?Had to be that loss against the Spidermonkeys. We out shot those guys by a 3 to 1 ratio. Mike Best had a stellar performance in the net for the Spidermonkeys. In the end, we realized we had not executed Coach Steve's game plan. We were feeling pretty rotten about that. By the way, what the hell is a Spidermonkey????
Our team loves to face off against?Our team loves to face-off against pretty much anybody! If I had to choose, and apparently I do, I would have to say the Bandits. It's a good coaching rivalry between 2 very knowledgeable and competitive guys, Steve Hall and Bill Ivey. Plus, there's that whole issue about Brandon Davis, James Rust(my brother), and myself defecting and starting up PJHC. But I respect and enjoyed playing with each one of those guys when I was a Bandit and I'm pretty sure that feeling is mutual.
Biggest Rivalry?After this weekend's win, I would have to say the Jets. I know they'll be gunning for us if we see them in the playoffs. However multiply that times a factor of ten and that's how much we'll be gunning for them. It was a dirty game from both sides and tempers were flaring. We all know how fun that can be!!!!!
Why will we win the Stanley Keg next season....What's this crap about next season??????