I was asked to post the following... enjoy!
Here’s to the guys who make Saturday nights a laugh for everyone else
Here’s to # 10 for whacking guys on the back, on the head, or across the back while lying on the ground. Here’s to the guy who doesn’t skate that well who idealizes Todd Bertuzzi and must regulate as such. Here’s to the man that throws his glove up in the air and so dramatically, if unrefined, shoots it down with duck hunt like skill and precision.
Here’s to the guy who stops, turns 90 degrees and takes a slap shot into the opposing bench. Here’s to the ref who doesn’t see that as a penalty.
Here’s to those who after a large victory prefers tell the opponent how inferior they have been during the drubbing they just took. Here’s to those who don’t mind taking a run at a guy even though there is 10 seconds left and his lead is 3+ goals. Here’s to the guy who doesn’t partake in any of the game and yet speaks so elegantly once the contest has concluded.
Here’s to he whos complaints about ringers fall on deaf ears. Here’s to the same jackhole that could play up 2 levels himself.
Here’s to the team that wins 5 championships in a row. Here’s to the team that chooses not interact with anyone below their superior level while enjoying a cold beer or a hot pizza. Here’s to the team that not a single person has ever found a kind word about as I assume they prefer it as such
Here’s to the small angry guy’s. You play a LARGE role while coming in such a petite feminin package.
Here’s to those who choose to wear pink gloves.
Here’s to those who bull dose those who wear pink gloves. Here’s to those who need to prove they are bigger and faster than the girls.
Here’s to the cowboy with enough speed to kill. Here’s to those who can’t stop and prefer to use your legs or the end boards for such a thing.
Here’s to the man who thinks Ice Hockey should be played like soccer and feels the slide tackle is always the best way to play defense.
Speaking of soccer… Here’s to the guy who wears a do rag. Here’s to the screaming baby in the stands…err, my mistake, The guy who took a stick to the shin and even though shin pads can stop a 90 mph puck without as much as a strawberry showing up feels the need to scream out in pain so loud the glass breaks. Here’s to the same guy who can suck it up and stay on the ice for a power play after such an egregious dismemberment.
Here’s to the actual ringers. Here’s to the 18/19 something’s brought in to challenge a streaking team. Here’s to all those who don’t think they have one of their own. Here’s to those who enjoy handing these guys a beating.
Here’s to the goalies that never get enough credit, and never are allowed to take part in the aforementioned.
Here’s to those who wear #99, May a Zamboni fall from the clouds and crush these ignorant souls.
Here’s to those who wear #98, as they aren’t much better.
Here’s to the guys who actually get suspended. Here’s to the guy who comes out of the penalty box to continue the fight.
Here’s to the egos. Here’s to the guys that no matter what smile and shake your hand.
Here’s to the playoffs gentleman.
Here's to the NYTEX Gold (or whatever league it is) League. I love this league for all the reasons above