
Jets and Jags started the night off. Jets needed to win or push it to overtime to stay on top of their division, while the Jags were looking to continue rolling. Close game, but the Jags roll on 4-3. Solid efforts from both teams in this one, but in the end the Jags were too much for the Jets to handle. A Bronze League record was set, so a congrats goes out to Brandon Suits for accumulating 26 penalty minutes in this one game. Two for Cross Checking, Two for Checking, Two for Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Ten Minute Misconduct, and a Ten Minute Game Misconduct. Congrats Brandon that mark will be hard to beat. The bottom of the scoresheet contains a full paragraph from the ref describing the incident. This writer has never before seen a full paragraph from a ref on a scoresheet. Wow!
Next game of the night was sort of like the Cowboys game over in Arlington, with the Stingers taking on the role of the Cowboys and the Whalers playing the part of the Eagles. 7-1 Stingers who played with just seven players. Whalers still looking for that first victory at nytex.
Third on the docket we had the Spider Monkeys taking on the Senators. Sens take this one 4-2, one of the Monkeys goals came right as the buzzer sounded at the end of the first period. An embarrasing moment for Sens Goalie Andrew Busboom as the puck was dumped from center ice, and bounces in right as the buzzer goes off. Lots of penalties marked this game. But in the end the Sens walked away with the win, and moved up into second place in their division one point behind the winner of the final game which was the Bandits.
Bandits beat the Indians in a tight game, 1-0. Indians equalizer Kyle Kelly did not steal this show, and the Bandits squeeked out a win. Bandits have won 4 of 5 games this season, not bad for a team who barely got two points last season, way to go Bandits. For the Indians this has been a frusterating season, four games decided by one goal, a far cry from the team a couple seasons ago that could blow people out of the water by four or five goals.
Wow a record I always knew I would set some sort of record but Penalty minutes in a game I had no idea it would be that. For this accomplishment I would like to first thank Nytex for having hockey close to home. Love you guys. Second I would like to think Mike #66/99 for plowing over our goalie without that none of this would have been possible. (The shove I gave you after that didn’t have much behind it sorry Mike you deserve a better hit) Last I would thank Plourde the ref for his incompetence because after the initial three penalties he gave me (one of which was actually a penalty) if he knew his elbow from his a$$hole then he would have kicked out of the game then per the actual rules. Thank you Plourde without you incompetence and ability to make sh@t up (saying I threatened you) this record would not have been achievable, [you still look like a child molester with that Mustache which by the way was the only thing threatening me or you during our verbal exchange of words] Thank you everybody who was involved in this record setting event it couldn’t have been done without you.
ReplyDeleteThe record setting Jet
That was the greatest acceptence speech known to man. I think I cried a little.
ReplyDeleteBus sens
Suits comes out on-top once again. I'll get you a new scarf for this Suitsy.
ReplyDeleteSilver Bullets / Jets: Why is it that this team creates so much anger developing into a large number of PIM. Brandon Suits #10 - It appears you have bypassed #99's record. Enjoy it while it last. I think there will be more PIM from the Jets before the season is over.
ReplyDeleteThe record setting Jet #10:
ReplyDeleteNow you have become the new star @ Nytex. 26 PIM in one game. 4 more PIM and you tie #99 in total PIM for Bronze session @ Nytex. Congrats! You have overcome the #66/#99. You are a great one. Now may I bow and kiss your feet?
Nice job Jets #10. Bad mouth the ref. Bad mouth #66. Take responsiblity for your own behavior and play hockey. You get the "Goon Award" for Winter Season 2010 @ Nytex.
ReplyDeleteAnnon 6:58;
ReplyDeletePut your bad mouth around my c--k!!! You get the (POON AWARD). Suits rocks!!!!
Jets 22
Killer - How about posting a copy of the scoresheet so we can all see Suits shenanigans?
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great idea Anonymous 7:31 PM. Post a copy of scoresheet notes and video captured of the event from Jets fan. What do you say Killer?
ReplyDeletethere are alot of fucking pussies on this god damn blog...anonymous post and talk shit...but will you back it up fuck no...just hide behind anonymous and be the little fucking shits you all are
ReplyDeletebus sens
Bus you used 7 curse words in your post that is a motherfucking record and shit.
ReplyDeleteIt was a good game between the Fags and Jets, I would say we lost the game to PIM but I don't think we let a PPG in all game. Also the PIM are right but anyone who took part in that game or watched would agree that the ref with the stash was on a major power trip that game.
ReplyDeleteGood game Jags.
Our team doesn't create issues. If you'll notice. All of our PIMs are against 2 teams. Which ever team Hvidston happens to be on, and the Stingers.
ReplyDeleteWe're the only group of people not worried about getting PIMs by playing the same ass hole game those people (stingers, and hvidston) play.
Unfortunately, no one watches the game. They just bawk at the poorly recorded stats and fabricated reffings.
Krajewski and Brandon: Not really quit sure why the Jets have problems with myself and the Stingers. We have played the Stingers and had no problems. It has been a very competitive fun game with the Stingers. Don't know if you noticed but I did not even try to take many of the face-offs. Tried to stay away from trouble. It will always be my fault in both your eyes. Maybe some day when you both mature you may take responsiblity of your actions and see things in a different way. Skate hard and play hockey. There were 2 refs on ice during the Jags & Jets game and they made the call. Would like to hear from Stingers opinion on this. There is no question that you both will comment again. Tell me what your real problem is with me?
ReplyDeleteI doubled checked and krajewski never mentioned your name 66. Lets be the mature one and not point fingers. Also be the mature 45 year old you are and not argue with twenty year olds.
ReplyDeleteJust adding my two cents, during our last game my problem wasn’t with #66 or the jags as far as I’m concerned it was a hard fought game close game up until said moment were plourde realized he had his thong on backwards. Viddy wasn’t really playing as dirty game as he has in the past I think aside from the hit he landed on our goalie the hardest hit he had was against his own teammate which he did mow down when she had the puck. The only thing I had a problem with was when #66 plowed through our goalie and I then gave him a very weak shove then plourde starting dishing out penalty minutes like he was give crack to hookers. Aside from refs, that was a cleaner game from #66 minus him taking out his own teammates. I haven’t played the stinger in the past couple seasons so I can not comment on them.
ReplyDelete#10 Jets(record holder)
I personally don't think the record should be valid. The Ten Minute Misconduct, and a Ten Minute Game Misconduct should not have been assess. My understanding is once someone aquires 3 penalties in one game, he's gone. So the 2 10 minute should have never been able to be added on top of the other 3.
ReplyDeleteI think it is 5 penalties in one game not 3.
ReplyDeletehas anyone ever heard of a triple minor before? im just wondering because i havent seen that ever.
ReplyDeleteGood point, because a 5 min is a major sooooo I think we have found something new, we should call the NHL about this. We can call it a majorish
ReplyDeleteVery interesting blog. Jets Suits #10 & #4 Krajewski. I have no problem with the hits you gave. The refs made the call. As a matter of fact after I got checked by Krajewski I was able to keep going and move the puck down towards the Jets net. The important thing is no one got hurt. The Jags and Jets put on a show for the fans. Also the blog people have complained is boring. The only reason I do what I do is for entertainment here on the blog. More entertainment coming up soon. Hope to see the Jets in the playoffs. It would be another great game.
ReplyDeleteIt is 5 penalties total per game and then ejection. Nytex was talking about changing it to 3 penalties.
ReplyDeleteHvidston why do you keep including me in your thoughts? Do you see me talking to you at all? I said good game how you get all the stuff you are talking about, I have no clue.
ReplyDeleteFun game against the Stingers last night.
Maybe you are in my thoughts as you tried to board me and bounced off me. The hatred continues....I don't care as I am at Nytex to play hockey.....:)
ReplyDeletehitting from the side isnt boarding jack ass...im just saying you might want to learn a little bit about hockey before you talk.
ReplyDeleteStingers #27
ReplyDeleteI am not sure what you have against the Stingers, Brandon. As well as I am not sure of the statement you made that you don't create issues....
I beg to differ. You seem to me, to go out of your way to FIND something to use as a catalyst to get all those PIM's that you mentioned earlier. Why is it you have more agianst us again?
I know my guys. I am in the room before every game. They never take the ice with vengance in mind. All they want to do is play a good game of hockey. I also know that we have a few guys who are really competitive and will stand up for themselves. I guess it is a bit of a give-and-take situation here. If you are gonna give it, you better be ready to take it.
You are a good player, don't be a dick and turn into the very guys you bash on this blog. Be a better guy. Be a better player. If it sits well with you to go after someone, to "do" something to them, well good for you. I don't feel that way. Do I get mad at times during a game? Hell yes! Do I do anything more than talk to try to get my point across? No.
I know you didn't mention it, but as far as Ivana goes, I think she desreves the BIG HEART award. I love her fiesty nature. She knows where to be and what to do, unfortunately her mind is way ahead of her skates. Sometimes she gets into spots she doesn't want to be in and thet's when she hits the ice. She weighs 32 pounds for crissikes! WITH equipment!
Anyways, let's all go out there, compete hard, understand that we have too much testosterone (well, except for the females...)to deal with and BE NICE TO EACH OTHER!!!!!