Spot Light On looks at the other participant in the Bronze league All-Star game, the Silver League Borrachos.
Team History?
The team was conceptualized during a kids practice upstairs at the bar at the Euless Dr. Pepper Star Center when several hockey Dads, with beer muscles flexing, thought it would be a good idea to create a team with the eventual goal of playing with their kids. Started a few years back with I league at Euless then heading out to Silver at NYTEX when the rink re-opened. The team is a mix of beginners and experienced players. There are many Brothers, Dads, Uncles, nephews, on the team but we consider each other one big family, albeit a dysfunctional, drunk Uncle that shows up at holidays kind of family…LOL. The Borrachos name was thought up by our first goalie Jesse Gonzales and is an apt moniker for this bunch. Look it up.
Team Philosophy?
Drink beer, kick each other in the nads stopping just long enough to kick the other team in the nads on ice then go back to kicking each other in the nads, drink beer, repeat…..
Dud to Stud award (team member who has gone from zero to 60 fastest)
Geeze, I’d have to give this one to Mike Lee, the boy is really picking up on this hockey thing and getting the hang of it. He should stick with it.
You’ve got one bottle of fabreeze to give away, which team mate earns it?
Easy one, Jack Stuckeman! The boy cleans his gear once a year whether it needs it or not. The spot next to him in the locker room is ALWAYS the last one taken LOL.
Most vocal on the bench?
Our Spiritual leader Jimmy Stuckeman. He’s our in game coach, strategist. If you hear him yelling your name it’s not a good thing….
Team High Point?
Defiantly winning the Keg over the summer. It was a long time coming and a culmination of hard work and coming together during the playoffs to play as a team.
Team Low Point?
I would say this season with the schedule making it difficult to get everyone on the ice at the same time.
Our team loves to face off against?
We really don’t have any one team that we own or owns us. We’ve beat everyone and loss to everyone. It seems in Silver this season any given team can beat the other regardless the W/L records.
Biggest Rivalry?
Ha!, all the above! We proudly wear the title of ‘most hated team’.
Why you will win the keg this season….
We play some wild ass hockey and sometimes it helps and sometimes it bites us in the ass but when the playoffs roll around we tend to nut up and play positions and puck movement better. Also our goalie Tyler is money come playoff time. When we’re on our game, watch out!
As always, send your team/individual nominee for a spot light on to bronzeleague@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHaha! Someone clicked busch league on this post... Love it!