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Monday, March 15, 2010

Spot Light On......Chad Siewert

He's been discussed and cussed by Bronze league coordinators, Spot Light On shines on the Bronze coordinator's coordinator....Chad Siewert

Home town?

Abilene, TX

Hockey experience?

Played street hockey in parking lots and tennis courts on the mean streets of Abilene in Jr. High, and then moved up to Roller. We had no leagues or anything back then, a group of us would take over tennis courts and parking lots on Sunday afternoons, and play pick up hockey. Eventually got around to renting out an old run down skating rink in a dirty part of town. Roller hockey took off, and we ended up building boards, installing nets, a scoreboard, and forming a travel team out of that little rink. Moved to Dallas Jr. year in college, and played roller up in Denton till for a couple years then took a break to play golf full time, and jumped back into ice a few years back..

Current/Past teams?

Abilene Devils, Longview Rangers, Senators (Bronze), Blazers (Silver), Maple Leafs (New Over 35 League)


I enjoy working in the yard. Like Hank Hill I have to have the best yard in the neighborhood. Golf, Hockey, Bird Hunting, Video Games, Cooking, Playing the Drums, Playing Vintage Analogue Synthesizers, Time Travel, Bits, Watching the Ottawa Senators, Television, eating, talking about how Stanley Kubrick helped NASA fake the Apollo Moon Landing, fireworks, spending time with my daughter, fishing, swimming in the ocean, ALF reruns, having weekly meditation sessions in the penalty boxes of the Nytex Sports Centre, painting, writing, dreaming of getting on Jeopardy someday, travelling, Making Low Budget Movies, searching for the real Killer of Nicole Brown Simpson, tracking the mythical chupacabra, and working on my autobiography called “Inches from Par.”

Pre game ritual?

Eating whole wheat pasta, drinking 100% juice no sugar added cranberry juice with a squeeze of lime, listening to Europe’s classic 1980’s hit song The Final Countdown exactly seven times in a row, doing 50 sit ups in my underwear while reciting the alphabet twice leaving the letter C out the first time and the letter A out the second time through, getting in my car and driving around the block while leaning out the window squawking like a rooster stuck in a bear trap with Motorhead’s Ace of Spades blarring n the background, driving to Nytex while listening to the Ticket, then finally pulling into the parking lot playing dream on by aerosmith twice in a row whil punching the steering wheel, honking the horn, and yelling “I can do it, I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.”

Hockey Hero?

Daniel Alfredson from Ottawa, Chris Neil from Ottawa, Jeremy Roenick, Chris Chelios, Killer, Carlson, and Ogie Ogelthorpe

Hockey Nemesis?

Topher Scott. Pretty sure I could take him if push ever came to shove.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

The ability to read minds. I would then go to Vegas and make millions playing poker.

Ginger or Mary Anne?

I would have to go with Ginger on this one. My initial thought is that Mary Anne is probably a pretty cool chic, the all American girl, but the cut off jean shorts and western shirt don’t do it for me. Sure she is a cool gal, but she dresses awful, and probably has bad taste in music. Ginger seems pretty dumb, and if I told her I was going to be gone for a few days I had some important business with some of my fellow astronauts on the moon, she would probably buy it being totally oblivious to the fact that I am not an astronaut and we cant go to the moon. Then I would have a few days to go on a little golfing vacation. Mary Anne would probably not fall for that. I’d have to do something about Ginger’s voice though. Perhaps get her a 1-900 job to help defray the cost of living a bit.

Your message to the NYTEX community is....

My message to the Nytex Hockey Community would be a simple one, have fun. Whether you play in the Bronze, Silver, or even Gold Leagues, its all just for fun. If someone says something that offends you just shake it off, and move on. Were out here to have a little fun, get some exercise, and hang out with our friends if you cant do that perhaps chess is more your sport.

And one more thing, remember kids, DON’T JAR.


  1. I didn't know Lemme played in our league!

    Best #33

  2. "getting in my car and driving around the block while leaning out the window squawking like a rooster stuck in a bear trap with Motorhead’s Ace of Spades blarring n the background"

    That was you?

    With those mutton chops, I thought Lemmy had abandoned Europe for DFW and joined the PuddleJumpers.


  3. Most busch league post on this blog.

    I still haven't seen you on the ice in a while. Its hard to scrap when you sit out every game we play you.

  4. Great advice for the young'uns Chad. I succumed to youthful indiscrection and experimented with Jarring. Now look at me, I can't even make the the Bronze league all-star team....oh to go back in time...

  5. nytex discriminates and has no respect for women.


  7. #24 - Sens / BlazersMarch 18, 2010 at 6:36 PM

    In his... or her... post on March 17, 2010, "Anonymous" discriminates and has no respect for capitalization. Of course, science has already proven many times over that women hold a particularly shaky grasp of all grammar, and congratulations to "Anonymous" for perpetuating that stereotype!

    Alternatively, Seth has an obvious appreciation for the stuff and makes a good point that I assume will, regrettably, not cause any immediate change because, as we all know, giant, crying, wailing, and otherwise flapping pussies are a puzzlingly resistant breed to resounding, well-founded, and otherwise indisputable logic, laid out via online forums. They're also oddly resistant to locker-room shenanigans, again, capitalization, and often times smell downright funny.

    Also, they shouldn't be allowed to play hockey. Not here, anyway. Keep up the good work, Nytex.


    P.S. There's no word yet on an official suspension on Chad's sideburns. Maybe they'll be called up again?

  8. really your calling me a pussy because i forgot to put my name?? i believe you and your little buddy are the ones who are doing the complaining to knute to get your way but hey you wanna meet somewhere you be sure and tell me when and where. I would be kind of sad with my life too if i tried out for the brahmas and didnt make it and so you play silver league and still get beat like a drum. and last time i checked yall are the ones hiding behind the cops because yall cant handle the repercussions of what people say and do. dont try to act tough when yall know you are flipping crap because of being scared. and last time i checked head butting someone with a helmet is a pansy move.

  9. Hey, Seth Longbottom. How about you, fondle my ball sack. On second thought, don't, you probably suck at that as much as you do at life.

    "Big Pussy"
    (yes... although the name may suggest otherwise, I have a ball sack.)

  10. Haha, Crying like a baby in front of the cops and bringing your momma to the rink is a real tough. Clown....You two monkeys need to go get a reality check before you start bowing up on the internet. I didn't head butted anyone. That is something you fabricated so you didn't look like such a pussy because you and your buddy think your a couple tough guys. Big puss keep playing with that bag of yours, you couldn't carry a good hockey players sticks let alone his bag ya Fag.Don't go away mad....Just go away!You had your chance to sit down explain your point of view didn't even make a phone call. I wouldn't worry about meating up with us these things have a way of working out. You'll get your chance. Hallsy

  11. Ok you probably shouldnt be popping off with shit you cant back up. The two of you cant even take on one guy and yall throw pillows for punches. And why would I be sad about my life I'v accomplished more things in hockey then you ever will in your life time. And I dont know where you get this i get drumed in silver league shit you inbread fuck. How does it feel to have a family tree with one branch. Last time i checked you cant even skate with your head up or backwards you really need to think about who your calling out on here. Dont mistake tolerance for weakness.

    Dear other "Big Pussy"
    Keep your gay shit to yourself your right i would suck at fondling someones balls because I'v never done it.

  12. I'm not going to get involved, but to put my 2 cents in. Hallsy is a gay nickname, but to call yourself Hallsy is even gayer.


  13. You just got involved...lol...Someone put something in anonymous's mouth my zippers stuck....You can blow me too. How's that.... bout 2 cents worth of funny. Another great hockey mind to deal with. Do a little research about the Y at the end of names of hockey players. Team mates give the nicknames out of respect for one another for abibility,leadership,knowledge and respect for the game. Something you know very little about based on your comment. Keep the comments coming I'll try to educate your ignorant asses.

  14. #66 / #98 - AnonymousMarch 19, 2010 at 1:41 PM


    Signed: Anonymous

  15. god damnit anderson

  16. and hey why we gotta make pussy out to be such a bad thing huh.....cant we all just get along

    pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy

  17. first of all my mom comes to all my games. second of all yeah i cried because i feel bad that i cant be there and play and support my teammates. third of all ive been playing hockey three years not my whole life. so honestly i dont expect to accomplish much. I expect to have fun with my friends. but oh wait mister tough guy is scared to be in the same place. and pillows huh? maybe yall should watch this tape that everyone talks about and watch your old buddy stumble to the side from one punch. Yall feel free to bring it on we can beat yall at hockey and fighting and racing cars too if you want to open that can up and get beat at that too if you want. and yeah things do have a way of coming around and we are in the right so maybe i wont ever play there again but thats not the end of the world. its never going to be fair leagues up there and aslo as far as getting beat down i watched crank it up take your whole team to school. i didnt see any shut down d going on out there with yall "superstars". haha yall are a joke. and id rather play hockey with my head down then fight like a scared pansy with my head down.

  18. oh snaps theres a video i wanna see YOUTUBE that shit bitch

  19. Hallsy is still a gay name, and to call yourself that is saying something about yourself.

    I would say to suck my left nut, but your bf Hvidston is already on it. So I guess you can get my right.

    Also if the Y rule goes to play, I guess then you calling everyone a pussy is really a good thing? Smooth.

  20. Anonymo-- I mean, #24 - Sens / BlazersMarch 20, 2010 at 3:03 AM

    God damn, those are still some nice chops, Chad.


  21. Haha....Gunter is such a joke.....Clown with a capital C. Go to Euless get better come back when your worthy. You two fags are unbelievably stupid. You don't even know me....you may think you do but you don't.Lmao.....I dont know why everyone said this is a boring blog....Seems pretty spirited to me. Everyone knows me as Hallsy monkey nuts...I just want everyone to know whos posting...that should tell you something about Me. Jerk off

  22. Gunter is a claer cut example why some peaple shouldn't bread. lol CRY BABY!!!!!

  23. Does Gunther even play in silver league....I thought he was just an I league heroe? Real tough to skate around guys that can't. Good ridence....what a low life.

  24. hallsy monkey nuts lol

  25. Chad you should be proud. Your bio appears to have inspired a cat fight between what i thought was a 45 year old and 19 year old that would put a couple 5 year olds to shame. Where else can you experience such maturity??

  26. Haha well put....lol....I think its hillarious....Just proves how easy it is to wind you guys up..."MESSAGE" lmao....

  27. Not another one of the "I'm just doing it to get a rise" people? I thought we just got rid of Hvidston.

  28. Steve you agree with the guy who called you a 5 year old? Go pop some viagra and suck your own dick. idoit.

  29. Spell check would do a lot of you justice.

  30. Wow what a bunch of hate. I thought my bio would inspire talk about time travel not all this

  31. Trolling was so last decade.

  32. Brandon your a Tool or is that fool. No skating no shooting no Hockey playing HOMO that has a problem getting laid......

  33. Hahahahaha...love it boys.....Don't care if you like me or not, what you think or what you say.... Any of you guys want some of me.... come to me.... ask me to go and we will have a go. Bring your lunch and don't be a coward...dont confront and jump someone coming of the ice in hockey gear when your in street clothes.... be a man.That goes for anyone in any of the leagues I play in. Problem with you young guys you dont have anything to lose. The problem with us old guys is we have a lot to lose. Here is the secret: one day you young guys will be old guys and it will be your turn. Be men...I hope your as good with your hands as you are with your mouths. I'll be waiting...Good luck boys....How do we get a time machine for them pork chops Chadmeister.

  34. Mr. Brandon #14: I "The Hvidston" is still at Nytex playing hockey. All you Blazers need to get along and quite fighting on blog. I figured I would step down from the blog entertain for a while and let someone else take the front seat. See the Blazers on the ice April 30. :)

    P.S. - Hallsy: Looks like you are the new blog master everyone is talking about....or is it the Chadmeister. :)

  35. I guess old guys never learned the proper usage of "Your" and "You're".

  36. what more do you have to lose? As I see it Fagsy doesnt have much. Hvidston already lost what he had. ie a family.

  37. Minnesota Hockey PlayerMarch 20, 2010 at 9:13 PM

    There are many old guys at Nytex who grew up North. Knute, Hallsy, Hvidston. Review this weblink. http://www.pondhockeymovie.com/trailer.html

    This is real hockey. Playing outdoors in below zero weather. Have respect of the game of hockey. You young Texas Monkey nuts could not handle this kind of hockey.

  38. Whoever made the comment about Hvidston loosing his family. Please step forward. Or are you afraid.

  39. lol ok the "minnesota hockey player" i have to question if the guys at the rink actually played outdoors lol just cause there up north doesnt mean that. i grew up up north and actually skated on ponds im not old by any means, pretty sure those guys arent quite that old that they DEFINITELY played outdoors lol

  40. Being proud of hockey in Texas is like making the WNBA... No one really notices, or gives a fuck.

  41. Review Knute bio @ http://silverleague.blogspot.com/2010/03/spot-light-onknute.html and Hvidston bio @ http://silverleague.blogspot.com/2010/01/spot-light-on.html Both are over 40 and played outdoor hockey. Also Hallsy is over 35 from Michigan and has played outdoor hockey.

  42. For the Record:
    Knute, Hallsy and myself are all over 40 and have play a lot of outdoor hockey up North.

    "Original 6" 35 and Over League should be a lot of fun.

  43. All that pond hockey must of paid off based on where you guys play...

  44. I cant wait till the over 35 league gets started. Going to get rid of a lot of the issues with the leagues.

  45. Monkey Nuts PredictorMarch 21, 2010 at 1:25 PM

    I feel Spot Light on Hallsy coming up next....:)

  46. I heard the 35 and over league gives a free subscription to AARP Magazine instead of the USA Hockey.

  47. hahahaha they didn't play on ponds...hilarious...i cracked myself up on that one. Seriously anyone looking for 10 stitches to the chin.... get in my way. unstoppable...remarkable...arugula. you guys are as bad as my goatee. hahahaha i like that... haha i also like to make myself laugh haha... hysterical.

  48. I'm from Detroit. Does that mean I'm allowed to like hockey? Cause no one ever told me it matters where you are from to like hockey. Its people like the ones saying you have to be from the north to like the game that keeping hockey more like a national club then a sport.

  49. "for the record"

    im 22 and have played years of outdoor hockey on an actual pond lol and i dont see how playin outside and inside is that much of a difference except maybe havin a lil thicker skin lol

  50. “for the record”

    I’m from up North and did a lot of sledding, but that doesn’t make me Santa Claus...

  51. Hallsy and Gunter...click on the contact and get in touch for your Spot Light On. You want to tell your story, let's get it out there!!

  52. Where is all of the game recaps? This spot light on crap sucks. All it's about is Nytex employees.

  53. Officer Jones: NRH Police Dept.April 2, 2010 at 12:31 PM

    I heard Gunter no long exist @ Nytex.

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