Revelations 13:1 'Then I stood on the shore of the sea. I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads. On his horns were ten crowns, and on his head, blashemous names.'
Now substitute MIB for 'beast' and Euless for 'sea' and it's not hard to see why this indeed may truely be the end of days for NYTEX Bronze as we know it. Spot light on introduces you to the new kids on the block. A former keg winner from Euless coming your way this summer to loot and pillage NYTEX. Hide the women and children....it's team MIB.
Team History?
We actually formed many many moons ago, under the name of the ancient-nomadic Indian tribe that constantly roamed over north Texas looking for their home. The tribe's name given by local settlers was the 'Fugaweez' as that is the only phrase that could be understood by the lost tribe. They were actually saying "'where the f*&% are we" but settlers thought they were saying "we are the Fugaweez". Lame joke but just like our real given names we did not pick it. We then lost some members from that tribe/team to other teams and other rinks. We then changed names to the Warriors, then to Army of 12 Monkeys, then Phillip's Army after the death of our goalie and good friend Phillip Talley. At one point in time our hockey family was so large we fielded two teams in the Saturday night league at DPSC Euless but after some disagreements with rink management there some left for another rink. Hockey had started to lose it's 'fun appeal' and got a tad too serious. So we down sized to one team and decided to give the team a new look and name and try to get back to our 'lets just have fun and drink beer' way of play that had seemed to form. Thus bringing us to the current state of the team, M.I.B.. M.I.B. was decided upon after a night in the bar and talking about goal celebrations and one that was actually done after a goal that drew a penalty! We decided that such a feat is worthy of a team name and now it is common place to see a "man in the boat" after an awesome goal or tough game or just during warm ups! We just moved to NyTex from DPSC Euless after finally getting fed up with the management there and look forward to just hanging out, paying some hockey, and drinking some beers!
Team Philosophy?
"Have fun and drink beer, don't take this seriously as we all have to go back to our real jobs"
Dud to Stud award (team member who has gone from zero to 60 fastest)
If you are asking in the category of ladies man, Tim "Buttercup" Marra just got a girlfriend recently which shocked a few people. Now if your asking as in hockey talent wise, I would probably say Ryan Morris. He always had good skater, but he is now getting smarter game by game and that is really benefiting him and the team.
You’ve got one bottle of fabreeze to give away, which team mate earns it?
Chuck Dolbee, sheesh I can smell him from here, however his unique aroma is generally knocked out by the eye/sinus opening piney-smell of 'muscle rub used by Mitch Gnatowsky.
Most vocal on the bench?
Me, I always have my 2 cents to chip in about issues we need to watch or things we are doing good. I also shout during play a lot from the bench and try to keep every one's morale high. If some one does something smart or good I am the first to let them know so.
Team High Point?
besides winning a few Stanley Kegs at DPSC Euless? Generally every game after wards where get to kick back at the bar is a high point. That is why the majority of us play is to escape the weekly grind once a week for some exercise, drinks, and to shoot the shhh with the guys.
Team Low Point?
The loss of long time friend/goalie Phillip Talley in July of 2008.
Our team loves to face off against.
The bar. LoL we really don't care who we play. Especially since we are new and don't know any of the teams-yet.
Biggest Rivalry?
besides the guys in stripes? Just kidding, @ DPSC Euless it was the Shockers, I could insert many not so nice things about them here but will refrain.
Why we will win the keg next season….
Well if we don't win the play off bracket out right, we plan on doing a "Beer Fest" type event for Lord Stanley's Keg with whom ever may have won it. We ARE the BEST drinking team from DPSC Euless and are ready to take on any team in the bar at NyTex. Heck we even had a drink named after one of the guys on our team written in the bar tenders guide at Euless, ever had a "Damon"? Want one?
Thanks and look forward to good times at NyTex.
-Dallas Lehr
fuck you fag.
ReplyDeleteDisagreements after winning a few kegs at Euless... Stingers V2?
ReplyDeleteThis should be interesting
ReplyDeleteWelcome, gentlemen!!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to NYTEX gents, it will be good to have new drinking buddies!
ReplyDelete#33 Goalie, Spider Monkeys!
Glad to have you here, have fun and we will see you in the bar.
ReplyDeletePJ's #4
Welcome! You'll like playing here much more than in Euless. The games are longer and the competition is better. I just wish the bar overlooked the ice sheet instead of the soccer field. Oh, and the locker rooms are way smaller, but they smell bad too.
Jets 97
sooo, hic, wuth wong with your old drinkin buddies Best...hic. nother round bar keep..hic
ReplyDeleteWelcome MIB. We look forward to many fun evenings on and off the ice with you here at NYTEX.
ReplyDeleteLOVE my MIB boys!!!!! Yall are going to kick some ass.
ReplyDelete<3 Katie
I ALWAYS HAVE FUN playing with my MIB Brothersand Sisters!! Looking forward to NYTEX and more time with my second Family!
Awesome! Thanks to both NYTEX and those players' welcomes. It's been rare lately to play with like minded teams. We're here for some fun, great workouts, great games. Look fwd to it. Gotta go stretch now, first game's next month!
ReplyDeleteUhh, just a suggestion, why not consider Silver league given you've been together umpteenth years and have already scaled the mountain at Euless DPSC...just sayin, we don't need another Stingers sand baggers.
ReplyDeleteGreat to have you aboard. We need more teams having fun and drinking in the bar. Too many folks think the NHL scouts are watching our Bronze games.
ReplyDeleteThey aren't!?!
ReplyDeleteWhat team we you guys at euless?
ReplyDeleteWhalers #2
Man you guys lay off the "sandbaggers" Schtick. I started playing hockey with Gnatowski back in the Blackhawks Days ('sup Mitch!), and Dolbee is old as dirt (Chuck!). Now if his kid is with him, look out. That skinny little fucker can skate. I know. I used to be on a line with him.
ReplyDelete#2 Bandits