You love em, you hate em, but you can't get enough talkin bout em...Ringer Haters - call em out. Team, name or roster number. Ringer Playas - your forum to defend why you play down. Come on people, let's get it out of our systems so we can simply get down to the business of improving our individual game.
To qoute a local wise sage 'If ya got big boobs, let me hear from ya'
Really? We're defending and glorifying this? No one on either team gets better when ringers play.
ReplyDeleteIn my experience in the Bronze League at Nytex, watching and participating in well over 50 contests, most of which including at least one 'ringer,' the games are a joke when players of that caliber control the pace at the Bronze League level. Those 'ringers' handle the puck 90% of the time, only passing when they're tired or when they've personally put their teams up by enough single-handed heroics already. Teams don't get better by having one player score 75% of his team's goals in an entire season.
But everyone already knows this topic is a joke. This is why it only gets talked about, rather than affect change at Nytex. We all play in a Bronze League, which is no longer considered an I-League. Therefore, no one can complain about any other player, so long as that player is paid up.
If you choose to defend yourself as a 'ringer,' or speak a wonderful, flowery barrage of compliments toward one, no doubt testifying that they've helped you because you've watched them dominate and, geepers, you got so much better because of the 3 times in 4 seasons they passed you the puck, then prepare to be globally considered ignorant, blind, or otherwise unintelligent.
Moral of the story; 'Ringers' don't make anyone better. 'Ringers' are a disgrace to a fantastic team sport, like hockey. 'Ringers' have no place in the Bronze League, at Nytex. 'Ringers' will, however, stick around as long as people who would rather watch another player win for them, rather than work hard to make themselves better, keep defending their pathetic, ego-driven actions.
I don't like the arguement that they are there to help their team mates develop. I've seen them at D positions pass the puck to lesser team mates but everytime a less experienced player makes a run (or shall I say slow trudge) up the ice, they swoop in to extract the puck. As long as they are back there, an opposing team gets that sinking feeling that no matter how close the score, or how hard they work, the out come will be cemented by the ringer upping his game. Not sure how this promotes healthy competition and I'd be interested in a ringer speaking up and letting us know what exactly to they get out of it? It's surely not pushing your game to new heights!
ReplyDeleteEvery team we've played have had their 'good players.' All you people did was whine about how good the Stingers had gotten, and they needed to leave. Now you want to whine and bitch, calling out people individually, and more than likely, keeping your identity secret. Wooptie-doo! You'll sure fix things with your bitching!
ReplyDeleteGet a life, and get some Vagisil, you whiny pussies. The rest of us have some hockey to play.
Props to the Stingers who looked around and saw that nothing more was to be gained. Last I saw they were holding their own in Silver. All ringers should take a que from them and move on....
ReplyDeleteJust to point out. Most of the "Silver League" Stingers have played at least one time, several more than once in a Bronze League game.
ReplyDeleteTo understand the ringer, we must get inside his pyche. He most likey played the sport at a structured level, perhaps even high school hockey. Having the benefit of regular practices, competent coaching and such. Was never quite good enough to make travel. His past team mates are now getting all sweaty in A/B league. He's apreeeshhably better than someone new to the sport but avoids playing with people his own level to avoid reliving his past painful disapointments. He thrives on the attention given by his current non-skilled team mates who think he's the embodiment of the all around player since relative to everyone in the locker room, he's the alpha male.
ReplyDeleteNow if you'll excuse me, my young assistant and I are going to get a iced vanilla latte...
yes and those silver level stingers have really helped them out this season. but i guess their record shows that.
ReplyDeleteIf I play hard, we win. If I don't, we lose. I am a Golden God and everybody loves me!
ReplyDeleteAre we supposed to believe that "Bunch of bloated self-loathing slugs" is your real name, sir? Perhaps you're also, "calling out people individually, and more than likely, keeping your identity secret. Wooptie-doo! You'll sure fix things with your bitching!"
ReplyDeleteRegardless, you've clearly proven you're sided with the ringers, and that your side of the argument is absolutely superior. If I have any advice for you, it's, "Get a life, and get some Vagisil, you whiny [pussy]. The rest of us have some hockey to play."
Of course, with a ringer or two controlling the gameplay for both teams, never letting their teammates touch the puck or do anything impactful or important with it, the rest of us have very little hockey to play, and a lot more free-skating to do, while ceremoniously holding a hockey stick and celebrating, or hanging our heads, when ringers score and we had nothing to do with it. Yay, team sport!
Whey your playing with and against like skilled players. Everyone, and I mean everyone are forced to make quick decisions, skate the puck, back check and so on instead of relying on your safety net ringer to bail you out. I would argue that skills are grown at a faster pace w/o the help of people playing out of their skill level.
ReplyDeleteMr. Walkway. Mr. Walk down me, I'm a walkway. Lead me to Ringer talk, FUCK you!
ReplyDeleteDon't stop now, assholes. Keep up the fight. Move on to Silver next, why don't ya? Every league besides the top league, Gold, A, whatever flavor it happens to be, will have "ringers" as you call them. Get used to it!
Show up, play hard and get on with it......
For every one who is looking at this league as an instructional league please understand that those days are gone. You are now playing in a C level league. No matter how good one thinks they are there will always be a better player on an opposing team. Teams that rely on the lone fleet of foot skater to carry the team does not go any where when they go vs a team playing positional Hockey, life is miserable for them.
ReplyDeleteFor the individuals who complain about not touching the puck and not getting to play hockey... Speak to your kids coach, or any one that has played organized hockey of any level Hockey is about what you you do with out the puck. How do you find space to get that pass, how do you beat a guy to a loose puck, how do you skate to open space to open up passing lanes for teammates. That is hockey my friend(s). and if you are willing to learn how to do that please let me know Bill Carlson #23 Whalers.
I play in the bronze league because I like seeing players who are learning achieve things like goals and good defensive plays. I also have no desire to relive any glory type days I am just out here for the pond hockey that I do not get under Texas heat. So while I could play in a B or A league I don't know any teams in those leagues and I am not interested in playing with a bunch of overly competitive flag football players..(one of the best Bud light commercials)
No offense to any one but how many goalies do you think want to see nothing but chip ins and weak shots on net. I know for a fact that when one makes a great glove save on a better player it builds confidence. Same goes for the guy that tells me I keep winning all the draws against him and then notices he has really been winning more than he thinks. This is a good league with a good bunch of guys from what I have seen. sticks are down and no one is out here trying to win the stanley cup. So that being said I look forward to meeting any and all Ringer haters over a beer or on the ice next time I play. Good luck to all. Once again the invite is there to any and all who want to improve.
Bill Carlson #23 Whalers
I also play on the Whalers (#2) and I'm not a ringer. However, the people that others may classify "ringers" on our team have been encouraging and excellent at teaching the fundamentals of hockey. For example: keep your stick down on the ice, keep moving your feet, go to the open spaces, get in front of the net, receiving pucks, passing, etc. When I started playing hockey in 2008 (first time I ever laced up) I rarely got the puck or if I did I had no idea what to do with it. Now, I'm making plays, getting goals and assists and playing decent positional hockey. Much of the was because I was willing to learn and put into practice what the better people on the team recommended I do. The rest of it was taking my own time to go to stick and puck classes, go to public skate, hockey drop-in, and listening and to our coach (w00t Upton) teach us how to play as a team and then applying that.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, the better players on our team have learned to play as a team, and to pass, and to make plays WITH the entire team. But of course, this is what they SHOULD be doing anyway because great hockey players in any league aren't the ones getting the goals, they are the ones playing solid, team positional hockey. The goals are a by-product.
I understand the frustration that one feels when a "ringer" gets the puck and does some slick maneuvering past your sloth-like pace on the ice. It happens to me all the time! But no ringer in the league can compete with a team that plays positional hockey as a team. Perhaps it would be a better allocation of resources for your team to buy some ice time and work on it?
Whalers #2
I agree with the last post and their team is a great example that practice pays off. However I think that a third of the people in this league are content with playing only once a week. Throwing on all the gear and taking the ice once a week and telling their friends "yeah I play hockey" is all they are looking for. And to be honest there is nothing wrong with that, as long as they realize that others around you are trying to get better and win games. If you are looking for true insrtuctional hockey I would recommend another facility.
ReplyDeleteBRONZE League (Instructional League Non-Checking):For the player who is learning the game of hockey and is looking to learn the game
ReplyDeletefrom the bottom up.
The above was copied and pasted directly from the NYTEX website. Not quite what #23 thinks it should be. I guess by his definition if your thinking of getting a team of guys who want to learn the game and have some fun, you'd better go solicit some advanced players. From there it now becomes a arms race to see who can bring the most players down a level to dominate the league instead of the NYTEX definition (see above)
BRONZE League Ringer: For the player who has already mastered the game of hockey and is looking to learn the game from the bottom down...
ReplyDeleteJust like the websites updates the following was last updated when there was a Bronze, Silver, and Gold league. Currently there is only a Bronze, and Silver. So once again quit looking for excuses as to why you are not Dominating and showing your kids you awesome, start looking for ways to either enjoy your time on the ice or working at improving. If you are that worried about the level of play of others work on your own.
ReplyDeleteBill Carlson #23 Whalers
I am the worst player on my high school team but am a badass (or at least think I am) in the bronze league!
ReplyDelete- Anonymous Douchebag from the Keller Indians
#23 Whalers qoute"...start looking for ways to either enjoy your time on the ice or working at improving. If you are that worried about the level of play of others work on your own'.
ReplyDeleteSo, why don't you lead the charge and move up to Silver instead of hanging around the lowest league like a bad fart....how exactly are you improving your game? Relative to everyone else sure, your a super star. Now take it up the next league and see what you've got big boy. Ya, I thought so...why take a challenge when you can star in your own movie every Saturday.
Thanks for the suggestion, actually I did play up in the silver league this season with the stingers as a sub. So thanks for the suggestion but already doing that. I am not a superstar I am not trying to be a superstar. Why don't you identify who you are so that next time we play I can shake your hand. I am only out here to have fun (enjoy your time on the ice) and help the guys I am friends with and work with have fun. I like seeing my teammates doing well, and I benefit from a lot of their hard work during games. I don't have the skills to carry a team but I do have enough experience and knwoledge to know where the pucks usually end up and things so I try to lend that to players that are new to the game, sometimes demonstrating is easier than explaining. No matter what team they are on. There are a number of guys in this league that skate better than myself, the average Joes have 3(2guys and 1 lady) that are solid skaters and that was a fun time, Hankins on the puddle jumpers has jets, I think the Indians have 2 or 3 really good skaters, The bandits are fun because they have 3 good skaters and then the tower in nets is always getting better, The stingers were fun with Meek, Wideman, Briscoe, Spider monkeys have 2 good guys they just skate them too long so they are gassed at the end of games, Got to give the senators a nod, I am sure there are others I just don't remember all of the teams bottom line I don't see any Ringer(s) in this league I see a lot guys and girls that are improving faster than others and jealousy rises to the top.
ReplyDeleteCarlson #23 Whalers
Grapvine Friday nights at 9:30 has an I league $20 per game. I try to go every week. It's just pickup really but the competition level is a bit lower. They have ringers too but they are there strictly to teach and coach. A couple of the Whalers have also mentioned that the I league at Nytex seemed more difficult than at Euless. I think these are two great options for anyone that is feeling left behind in Bronze league or would prefer a little less competition. Again this is NOT a true instructional league.
ReplyDeleteWhalers suck...so does the guy that keeps posting stuff from that stupid lizard video, it's not funny you damn hippy!
ReplyDeletewhy isnt anyone talking about what happened in the avg joes game last saturday. i want details on the brawl.
ReplyDeleteWas there really a brawl? That sucks, I thought they played us pretty clean who did they play?
ReplyDelete#23 Whalers
Severe icing and I heard one their guys dropped the gloves with a guy from the joes but left his cage on. What a punk in my opinion
ReplyDeletethats some bullshit, if you want to go at it with someone one then dont be a pussy and leave your cage on so you cant get hit back. that dude should be kicked out for the season
ReplyDeleteSo far not one ringer has been called out. Carlson is the only one man enough to admit he is an advanced player. About 40% of the league has played some silver league games, does that make them ringers???? The coordinators need to man up and evaluate the talent and not bring selfish upper level players to play in the league. 95% of the upper level players in this league get it and try to help the other players and work together. 5% skate end to end feel its their job to show their skills off.
ReplyDeleteFights in Bronze league games.. Really???? Why??? The CHL and MMA are not out watching our games get over it and play some hockey. Look forward to tipping back some beers with everyone.
BLASPHEMY!!! The nhl is looking for ringers to play in their league and they want to use people from the bronze league at nytex.
ReplyDeleteI think Fred said it best. To make it a true instructional league you would need to have an evaluation session and assign players to teams. Which for someone who is truly trying to get introduced to the sport is a great thing but sadly a lot of us want to play with friends with a set team. I say the allstar game thing should be used for the player(s)from each team that are trying to develop as a chance to see how they compare to other teams beginners. I bet that would be a fun experience for those guys.
ReplyDeleteCarlson #23 Whalers
BS is pleased we were able to generate some constructive and mostly mature dialog on the subject of disproportionate skill in Bronze. At the end of day it will always be a subject of contention, just depends on who's ox is being gored.
ReplyDeleteGood idea from Carlson, perhaps a ringer all star game followed by a developmental all star game with everyone's true begginers going at each other. Would make for two back to back entertaining, fun events.
Nothing like looking at the shittiest three players on the team and saying, "yeah you should play in the 'all-star' game."
ReplyDeleteAnd don't give me the "it's more ice time" excuse. No one likes being told they are the worst at something.
nothing like being told you are the retard of the team and get a special helmet to wear, so now you can go play in an extra game cause you suck like brandon on the sens does. oh wait...he just sucks off other players.
ReplyDeleteCarlson--seriously? "Sadly, people want to play on a team with their friends?" All this talk about this being a 'beer league,' etc., but you don't think that people should be able to play with their friends/colleagues/wife/husband, et. al?
ReplyDeleteThe make up of the NYTEX Bronze league teams are as follows (correct me if I'm wrong):
Keller Indians -- Parents of the HS Hockey team
MIB -- Bell Helicopter employees
Severe Icing -- Air Traffic Controllers
Puddle Jumpers -- Air Line Pilots
Average Joes -- TSA Agents
These teams are a chance for people to get together and have some fun outside of work. The ringers who are 'playing down' are, as far as we know, only playing in the Bronze league, not in some C league somewhere else. They want to play with their friends. While it's admirable to want equality and fairness no matter the cost, this isn't the Obama administration, this is a recreational adult league.
Fred, quit trying to stir the pot by calling out names. Just accept that there are people here who want to play hockey together. Some are better than others.
Anon Realist... you just agreed with both of them?
ReplyDeleteWe are going to send all ringers back to Canada. This adminstration wont tolerate Ringers. All ringers need to go back to Canada, and take Rush, Dan Akroyd, and Curling back with you.
ReplyDeletePS-Just want to give a shout out to my boys in Bone Thugs N Harmony
Anon Realist-- I was pointing out that we all want to play with our friends and colleagues to the people that are asking for a parity amongst teams. Whalers = bunch of TD Ameritrade employees. I can see how the "sadly" steered you wrong but I was trying to be sarcastic.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to the Bandits on their win against the MIB!!
I also saw a few FFT's on the results page I am guessing that was the end result of the brawl or something??
#23 Carlson
Thanks Carlson. They were a pretty good team. I think that if you guys have a full bench and play how you normally do you should get the win against them. The forfeits are from last week's Joe's vs. Severe Icing brawl. They were not allowed to play this week.
ReplyDeleteBandits #22
Due to poular demand, NYTEX willbe installing Kotex dispensers in all locker rooms.........
ReplyDeleteSorry Carlson, but Bandits #22 is incorrect...if you bring a couple f*ck*ass ringers, maybe you'll have a chance to win.
ReplyDeleteOf course they will have ringers present. Every winning team in the league does. Just ask any complaining little bitch on this blog.
ReplyDeleteForfeits really for jus a lil scrap nytex needs some kotex dispensers in the admin of the bronze league office
ReplyDelete8:37 AM...you are a little bitch.
ReplyDeleteYeah you stupid bitch... I bet her fist, her fitalisk....
ReplyDeleteBarndt...... patterscum..
Patter... little kid in the background goin' fuckin' craaaa--aaaa-aaa-aaaazzzy!
Alright I'll come out and say I'm "advanced" but barley above i league if at all. I joined the rampage team when i was asked to since it was a new team with no chemistry. And i agree with Carlson from the whalers about the goalies like a challenge because I've herd from goalies they like that stuff.
ReplyDeleteAnd i find no joy of scoring tons of goals in a game i find joy in helping my team get better as a team and each individual get better.
Rampage 63 Crawford
Really? Stop being so childish everyone. I'm a n00b to Ice hockey, I've only played Ice for 4 seasons now. The reason I play with the Whalers is because they are all friends from work and they invited me to play on the team. I don't want to see any of them playing in a league higher because I wouldn't be able to compete at that level just yet. They are teaching me to play positional hockey. As with anything in life, having a mentor who is willing to teach you can speed up the learning process. I have several individuals on my team who are teaching me new skills and I continue to learn every time I take the Ice. What's the point of playing in a "beer league" or "rec league" if you can't be on a team with friends? When the Whalers can compete at the next level as a team, we will move up. Same goes with the rest of the teams in this league.
ReplyDeleteThere are two types of ringers--jackasses and good players. Jackasses hog the puck and don't pass unless they're dead tired. Even then, they might circle the net a few times looking for a shot. Good players make everyone around them better, even if the rest of the guys can barely skate. Good players are always looking to pass first, shoot second. Yeah, their stats might heavily favour goals, but if the rest of their teammates converted their passes more often, their assists total would dwarf their goal total.
ReplyDeleteAnd you forgot about another group of guys--the ones too fragile to play in a higher level. I happen to be one of those guys...I'm a skilled player but have to go down a league to lessen the chance of dislocating my knee for the fifth time. Higher caliber hockey is murder on my knee--and retiring is not an option.
To the jackasses out there: smarten up, jackass.
To the good players out there: you can play on my team anytime.