A Texan coaching Ice Hockey! Why, that’s pretending to be something you aint, as the BBQ boys would say “That’s like taking a brisket from Texas and putting a sauce on it from New York City, that’s just all kinds of wrong”. Nevertheless, Spot Light on introduces you to a familiar face at the rink. When he’s not behind the desk answering your lame questions, he’s coaching hockey talent (Jr. Brahmas) and not so much talent (Bronze League Severe Icing). Hell, if he hasn’t been in net for or against you, he soon will be as he’s the default goalie of choice for any no-show net minders……..Spot Light On shines on NYTEX’s own Kevin Beam.
Hometown?NR Hills
Hockey Experience?hockey? that's what goes on tween the volleyball and the indoor soccer, right?
Past/Present teams?Every team that has past through here has used my subbing duties at some point.
(Wildfong hasn"t called me yet, though. Guess I need to go Tonya Harding on
Jaeg's knees and maybe Fonger will get me action in the pipes verses the
Hobbies?Virtualy no time for any. Got 4 kids and I'm the sole person in the family with
a drivers license. The kids are my hobby. We do love to watch NASCAR together.
Go Kenseth!
Drivers I hate: 24, 29, 48, and 88 ( I hate the fans of the 88 more than the
driver though).
And dont give me the "If I wanted to watch cars go around in circles, I'd throw
Hot Wheels in the toilet and flush" line.
However, if you do piss off a mob of Nascar fans and find yourself being chased
by the them; right before they close in on you, take a sudden RIGHT turn.
Pre Game Ritual?When I play net I like to 'mark my territory'. So I do my business in the
crease before the game. "Look ma! Yellow and blue make green!"
Now that you all know this, maybe you will think twice before crashing my net.
This also helps in the locker room. Teamates give me plenty of space to dress.
Hockey Hero?1a) Herb Brooks
1b) The entire 1980 'Miracle On Ice' team
1c) My boy Kolby who will be playing for his 2nd Select Jr. Brahma team (Bantam)
Hockey Nemesis?1a) Anyone calling themself a hockey player that still has ALL their teeth.
1b) Gold and Silver level goalies playing for a BRONZE team.
1c) any player named Knute
If you could be granted one super power...?Did you see Mystery Men? I really envied what the Paul Ruben's character
brought to the table.
Seriously, though, I wish I could heal. I lost my youngest to Muscular
Dystrophy in Dec. 08. It hurts to see your child suffer.
Sorry to switch gears on you. Now back to the program....
Ginger or Mary Anne?The Professor......no.......wait!
Message to the NYTEX Community...Since hockey means a bunch of transplanted northeners like to visit the building
I have a few rules for you yankees
1) don't order a 'soda' or a 'pop'. Down here it's Coke even if you want a
2) No! The state symbol is NOT the orange and white street barrels. The road
construction pisses us off too
3) Save all manner of bacon grease. You will be instructed how to use it later
4) If you run your car into a ditch in a rain or ice storm, stay put. 4 dudes in
a pickup w/ a 12 pack and a tow chain will be along shortly. Don't try to help
them. Stay in the car. This is what they live for.
5) The proper pronunciation you learned in school is no longer valid.
6) If it can't be cooked in bacon grease, it ain't worth cooking.
and finally) The "he needed killin" defense is a valid one
I will end this feature poking fun of my fellow rednecks:
A redneck couple w/ 9 kids is watching the news and is alarmed by a report.
They go to the clinic the next day to get him 'fixed' (OUCH!)
Dr. says "Why after 9 kids are you giving it up?"
"Well," dad says "we saw a stat on the news that says one out of every 9 babies
born in America is Mexican. We just can't take the chance of having another
because neither of us knows spanish."