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Thursday, October 29, 2009

WANTED: Silver League Staches

Team photographers will be on the lookout over the course of the next month for the best staches in the Silver League. The ladies are clamoring for a 2010 calendar fellas, so if you don't have one going already, get to it.
Have your ladies email on ice action shots of the best staches in the Silver League to Killer Carlson through December 7, 2009. All proceeds from the calendar after costs will go towards a league beer fund per team at Zuroma's. Those selected will receive courtesy copies of the calendar and the fame and admoration of their Silver League fans.


  1. haha i love it. what about goats...i mean a good goatee is every bit as awesome as a stache!??

    'You stay classy San Diego'

  2. Its really a you call it. Goats count, mutton chops count, etc., as long as it makes you a more legitimate looking hockey player, it counts.

  3. me likey. More mustaches are needed.

  4. This is gay, I hate you all, and everyone is gay. F THE SYSTEM. Power to the People.

    We are anonymous!

  5. You're a douge bag.......
