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Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Blog Feature: Jersey Shore-Jersey Talk

The Uniform Czar has long been absent from the blog. Perhaps he took a bullet or has been banished to somewhere with no internet service like Oklahoma or San Angelo.

So lets hear it, who has the best Jersey in the Bronze League?


And lets go with the opposite, who has the worst?

Whats up Silver League lets hear from you as well.


  1. Ice Kings have the best jersey in Silver League.

  2. 1. Stingers - although they are riding on the Stars coat tails, it's a clean crisp look.
    2. Spider Monkeys - A Monkey in a spider man mask, dude, enough said...
    3. Puddle Jumpers - A pissed off duck = gold

    Indians looks too generic, the Senators simply took a established logo, MIB is only amusing to themselves, Bandits skull would be in top 3 but the color scheme leaves much to be desired. Bringing up the bottom, Severe Icing...do they even have a logo? Give me the Silver League Borrachos for all time best NYTEX look followed by the Blazers and their OKC retreads.

  3. I think quality jerseys/uniforms make the Bronze League even more unique. Skating around in random mismatched jerseys feels like pick-up hockey, but when you put on the colors it seems to step things up. Yeah... some might say we are a bunch of has-beens with an opportunity to play dress-up every weekend as we try to manufacture just one more "glory day" before arthritis kicks in. To them I say... what's wrong with that?! Somehow, a good uniform seems to legitimize and give identity to a team no matter how good/bad they might be. Have you ever watched the NHL or NFL when they wear throw-back jerseys that you cannot recognize? If I don't recognize the jersey, I have a hard time connecting to the team... consistency is important. Anyway, keep up the great uniforms in the league. I saw that the PJ's now have blue jerseys to go with their white... I'd probably put them at the top of the list.

    Whalers #6

  4. There are two teams in the Silver league using the Sarina Sting logo. The stingers and the Killer bees. That should be confusing!! I give points to the Rampage for going with the Powder blue Pens jerseys.

    Whaler #23

  5. Nytex has seen some interesting ones throughout the years, the ice gators orange reebok jerseys were cool. Original Senators jerseys, silver bullets, and jedi jerseys were all pretty sweet too.

    When those teams from the parks mall played here they all had cool NHL rip off jerseys. Whistlers up in gold league had great sweaters taken from the old ECHL Phoenix Roadrunners, and the Blazers followed suit by buying a defunct CHL teams jerseys.

  6. Worst jerseys:

    Stingers - Lack originality
    PJs - Wow, a duck...boring!!!
    Keller Indians - Hey, let's steal a high school logo!!! Yeah, their's suck too

    Best Jerseys:
    Average Joes - their jerseys fit the team name
    MIB - Clean looking and original logo
    Whalers - Classic NHL logo
    Severe Icing - Best in the league

  7. Average Joes - Number One for originality

  8. Hey that is my number.

  9. What the fuck makes it your number?

  10. Greenleaf in the silver has a cool concept/color scheme, but the corporate sponsor logo plain on the front takes it down a notch for coolness.
