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Monday, October 11, 2010

Notes from the Uniform Czar

Silver League teams often get overlooked when it comes to the visits from the Uniform Czar.

Hornets jerseys look like a Stingers throwback.   Good solid black jersey with a yellow jacket on the front looking tough and menacing.

Ice Cracks have a unique thing going.   A dark and light set with crazy euro league style matching socks.

Ice Dogs have a simple, classic look.   Sporting both a dark and a white jersey, these guys are always on point.

Ice Kings have those old school purple Kings jerseys and socks, giving them a nice unified vibe.   The colors fit in well at Nytex, and quality of the jerseys is very high for an adult league team.

Keller Indians are like the Yankees, simple navy blue and a simple white, classic.   Uniform Czar would probably like to see some more original take on the Indians logo, but its a classic look.

Blazers bought the OKC blazers gear, and have quite the look going.   A white jersey with a burning B on the crest, and ronald mcdonald style striped sleaves.   The matching pants, gloves, and helmets are quite the scene too.

Lightening are a newcomer to the league, although rumor has it that they have left nytex for Euless.   Not sure if the whole team has their jersey or not yet, but those that do look sharp.   A very elaborate crest involving lightening bolts, and a whole lot of patriotic jazz make these jerseys pop.

Dirtbags are the only jerseys that the Uniform Czar has not seen.   Does anyone have a feeler on what these look like?   Solid Red?   Brown?   Or are they Allen Americans jerseys, since those guys are dirtbags?

In Bronze Uniform Czar has glowing comments about Bandits, Jets, Whalers, and Puddle Jumpers.   PJ's win the over the top award for the name plates.   MIB wins the confusion award.   Why name your team Men in Boats when you play a game on a frozen lake?   Wouldnt frozen pond be hard to get a boat on?   


  1. Glad to see no one gives a f*ck!

  2. Guess the Man in the boat thing just got missed by all the correct thinking people out there..
    Well not all of us live or have lived a sheltered life. It is almost a tongue on cheek type thing.
    Wink wink nudge nudge say no more...Eh?

  3. Men-In-The-Boat Coordinator (1 of 2 of us) here! The story... just one fall-while-celebrating, kayak-paddling (ok, ice-kayak) penalty... and the name was born. One of us is a screenprinter an d very decent artist.... and the rest is history, haha... We've been Warriors, Fugaweez, and a few other things (Leftovers! Never won a game!) but our end goal is always fun. Hockey night is a sacred time for us, weekend games are for fun...

