Pictured Left to right
Top row:
Randy(x-player), Rick Gregory, Brandon Suits, Derrell Upton (Coach in the hat), Adam Beringer, Jack Germaine , Eric Fisher
Middle Row:
Mike Alleman, Mike Phillips, TJ “The Wall” Hall, Ethan Turner (x-player), Johnny (sub)
Front Row:
Tim Krajewski, Will Evans, Zach “Infamous” Gunter, Joanne Stanton, Brandon Harrison
Not Pictured:
Chris Mosley, James Hurley, Johnny Lewis
Spot Light On introduces you to a team who is heavely cross pollinated with other past and present teams in the league. Their reving their engines and ready for take off to the top this summer. Hmmm, so if the jets and puddle jumpers meet, who's in the driver seat?
Team History?
The Silver Bullets formed for the Winter 08 season when NYTEX concluded they needed an ‘expansion’ team. The name came from a sponsorship NYTEX staff thought might materialize from Brahmas sponsor, Coors. With not even enough skaters to play two lines, the Bullets skated through their first season under Coach Jim Anderson, with a hodge-podge of jerseys, and several subs. Original members that still play together include Brandon Harrison, Mike Phillips, Joanne Stanton, and Brandon Suits. The team played together for several seasons with their trademark bullet logo and gray jerseys, picking up regulars like Mike Alleman, Tim Krajewski, TJ “The Wall” Hall, Will Evans and Kacey “the Birdman” Bird. However, prior to the Winter 09 season, several players decided to take a season off. As a result, the Bullets were no longer going to have enough skaters, so “Wild Bill” Ivey suggested a merger with the Ice Kings (former Arc Angels) who were also losing several players after their Stanley Keg-winning season. So in the winter season of 2009, the Jets were born. Combining talent from the Bullets and the Kings, and under the coaching expertise of former Brahma Derrell Upton, We skated all the way to the Stanley Keg championships, losing to the Stingers in the final round.
Team Philosophy?
Pass, Shoot, Score…….seems to work OK. We just have a little trouble with the passing, shooting and scoring sometimes but other than that 60% of the time it works every time.
Dud to Stud award (team member who has gone from zero to 60 fastest)
This is a tuff one I think everybody on the team has improved tremendously over the past few seasons
You’ve got one bottle of fabreeze to give away, which team mate earns it?
--Brandon Suits, I don’t think anybody is going to argue with this one. Though Will Evan has been giving a run for his money.
Most vocal on the bench?
Probably Tim Krajewski he can get a little heated and he’s not above letting you know it especially if your offside’s. On the old Silver Bullets it would have been Jim “Kung Fu” Anderson who could be heard outside yelling “keep your stick on the ice”.
Team High Point?
Winning the division last season and making it all the way to the Stanley Keg finals. That was the first time for a lot of us and it was a really fun game even though the tenured stingers skated away with it.
Team Low Point?
Losing the Stanley Keg to the stingers, Though we all felt a little better when we learned that the keg was actually an empty keg containing no fermented substance of any kind.
Our team loves to face off against
Indians, senators it’s always fun to play those guys and all of the original silver bullets wants to put one past the birdman who used to skate D for us. Also since their inception the whalers are getting up there on the friendly rivalry list. As long as we win we love facing off against everybody.
Biggest Rivalry?
--Over the past seasons I would say along with probably most other teams it was the stinger then last season we lost the cup finals to them and we’ve had our run-ins on the ice. Although the whispers around Nytex have a new team “flying” to the top of most teams most disliked list.
Why we will win the keg next season….
We will win the Keg because our game is improving we are passing more and communicating better. We are talking more and playing our positions better. Although on a side note it is still an empty keg with no beer in it. So we’re going to have to think about that one.